Have spare car parks? 
Get paid. 

How it works

Create your free listing

Drivers book your space

You get paid!

The benefits of shared parking

Get paid monthly

Easy & quick setup

It takes a matter of minutes to create your listing on Parkable

People find and park in your space via the Parkable app.

Let your empty space earn you extra money each month

Payments will come through automatically every month

Fill out the form and we'll be in touch to create the listing

Easily change availability as needed or unlist at any time

List your available parking space on Parkable using the form and receive 25% off Parkable fees as a Hospitality NZ member.

Once you've filled out the form, we'll be in touch to calculate your earnings and complete your listing!

Turn it off anytime


Set your price

See who’s parking in your space at any time


Support is never far away with a local Parkable team in your area

Local support

Trusted community of parkers

What people are saying

80,000+ people use Parkable to find or rent parks

NZ's original park sharing app - proudly NZ owned

Parkable facilitates sharing, making more resources available to communities and putting money back into local pockets

Find out what you could earn